
Mathematics Student Projects

Jacob Sampson, Math '17 completed his honors thesis with Dr. Parker.  He examined combinatorial names - specifically the geometric and algebraic aspects of hackenbush.  His thesis can be found here.

Thomas Chuna, Math '16, completed his honors thesis with Dr. Parker and Dr. Winarski from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. He examined the injectivity of the Burau representation and his thesis can be found here.

Margo Morton, Computer Science '15 completed her honors thesis under the direction of both Dr. Shelburne and Dr. Phillips in Biology. Her project involved writing a computer program to distinguish between two similar species of mice. The project can be found .

Victor Glasgo, Mathematics and Religion '15 completed his thesis under the direction of Dr. Parker. The project drew on his interest in both mathematics and music in an interdisciplinary way. The Geometry of Music can be found here.

Hieu Dang, Mathematics and Economics '15  completed his thesis under the direction of Dr. Parker. The project worked on the intersection of the Intermediate and Implicit Function Theorems and economics. Application of the Implicit Function Theorem on Comparative Statics Analysis can be found here.

Eric Mann, Computer Science '14 competed his honors thesis under Dr. Shelburne.  

Emilie Larned, Mathematics '14 completed her honors work under the direction of Dr. Sancier-Barbosa. She worked on a real-world optimization problem, optimizing the traffic lights in a section of downtown Springfield. 

Lexi Byers, Mathematics '14 completed her honors thesis under the direction of Dr. Bill Higgins. She examined the connection between graph theory and algebra via Cayley graphs. Her thesis can be found here.

Peiqian Li, Mathematics and Computer Science '14 completed his honors thesis under the direction of Dr. Steve Bogaerts.  The thesis builds on Peiqian's interests in music. Automated Identification of Chord Progression in Classical Music can be found here.

Shelby Cummings, Mathematics'13 completed her honors thesis under the direction of Dr. Doug Andrews. The Use of Survival Analysis Techniques Among Highly Censored Data Sets can be found here.

Trang Ha, Mathematics'12 completed her honors thesis under the direction of Dr. Brian Shelburne. The Prime Number Theorem and Its Connection to the Riemann Hypothesis can be found here.

William Herrmann, Computer Science '12 completed his honors thesis under the direction of Dr. Kyle Burke. Creating a Fun Program that is Simple and Easy to Use can be found here.

Alexandria Sitarik, Mathematics '11 completed her honors thesis under the direction of Dr. Doug Andrews. The project is a continuation of work started at a summer REU at Hope College in the summer of 2010. Evaluating the Consistency of Gene Set Sources for Use in Pathway Analysis can be found here.

Alex Griffith, Mathematics '11, completed his honors thesis under the direction of Dr. Adam Parker. It is a continuation of work started at a summer REU run jointly between Northern Kentucky University and the University of Cincinnatti. The Effect of Register Taps in the SAT-based Cryptanalysis of Stream Ciphers can be found here

Brian Morrow and Thomas DeBell, Computer Science '10, wrote a paper under the direction of Dr. Steven Bogaerts in their Computer Science Senior Seminar Course. A Genetic Algorithm to Optimize a Connect Four Minimax Player was presented at the 22nd annual Butler Undergraduate Research Conference and can be found here

Amanda Furness, Mathematics '10, completed her honors thesis under the direction of Dr. Adam Parker. On Dirichlet's Conjecture on Relative Class Number One can be found here.

Alex Griffith, Mathematics '11, had a paper published in the Proceedings of the 2009 Midstates Conference for Undergraduate Research in Computer Science and Mathematics (MCURCSM '09). The paper, entitled A Groebner Basis Approach to Number Puzzles, can be found here.

Daniel Marous, Mathematics '09, completed his honors thesis under the direction of Dr. Adam Parker and Dr. Margaret Goodman. A Mathematical Model of Cartilage Regeneration via Hydrogel can be found here.

Alyssa Armstrong, Mathematics '09, completed her honors thesis under the direction of Dr. Parker. The Panckae Problem: Prefix Reversals of Certain Permutations can be found here.

Marshall Zarecky, Mathematics '09 had a paper published in the 2008 Midstates Conference for Undergraduate Research in Computer Science and Mathematics (MCURSCM '08). The paper, entitled Describing a Combinatorics Problem with a System of Polynomial Equations can be found here.

Adam Jara, Computational Science '08, had a computational science summer internship at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton. The project examined isomers of the chemical compound C60S. You can download a detailed report on the internship here (PDF File).

Indraroop Roy Mohanti '08, Mathematics and Computer Science, held an internship at the Ohio Supercomputer Center in Springfield, OH over the summer of 2006. While at OSC, Mohanti works with OSC researchers to implement code samples for a multi-core parallelized versions of MATLAB and Octave, two single-core programming languages. Fractal calculations and visualizations were chosen for their calculation and memory intesive nature. A presentation on his results can be found , and a paper on his results can be found .

Emily List, Mathematics '07, presented at the Ohio Section meeting of the Mathematics Association of America in April of 2006. Her talk was titled "P vs. NP, AKS, RSA: The Acronyms of Mathematics Awareness Month" and can be found (Powerpoint Show file).

Ellen Peterson '06, Mathematics, participated in a Research Experience for Undergraduates sponsored by the National Sience Foundation at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln over the summer of 2005. She, along with other REU participants, studied population crontrol of peregrine falcons through mathematical models. A presentation of her results can be found , and a paper on the subject can be found .

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