
Gourmet for the Bo Me (Bow-May)

Just as a heads up: there will most likely not be a blog post until Monday night. This is because we are trekking into the great mountains of Ramabanta for adventure and relaxation. Do not fear, we will return safely and tell of our great time in the fresh air.

Our lecturer for today was Ntate Maraka, a lecturer at the National University of Lesotho (NUL). He told us about the HIV/AIDS epidemic here in Lesotho, and how his university is trying to combat the crisis. Here's to hoping that he and his colleagues suceed at lowering the rate.

Despite a 20% chance of rain today there was no storm, only angry clouds and a cold wind. So luckily we were able to add most of the roof to the greenhouse--a most painful ordeal. Anna Gutridge painted an amazing mural of an elephant and free-handed a perfect map of Africa, countries and all.

As an act of gratitude for the Bo Me (the women who clean, work, and cook here in Thorn's) we made them dinner and helped with their dishes. They are most appreciated and it is the least we could do. The Bo Me are extraordinarily kind and help with just about everything we do in the compound. The menu includes delicious steak and veggie kabobs, baked potatoes, and chocolate chip cookies. We plan on giving them enough of the amazing American cuisine so that they may share our delicious delicacies with their children.

P.S. Our bus drivers, Sydney and Dave, are super cool. Sydney (aka Spiderman) is more than just man and carries the weight of the world on his pinky toe. Dave is a mystery that Sherlock Holmes himself can't solve.

Sam & Ryan

Hey family, just as a heads up: I will be hiking on Saturday all day, and will take plenty of pictures! Also there is a pony ride that I shall partake in. So that's pretty cool. I'll tell you all about it at the beach! Love you all, Ryan (Father of Potatoes)

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